Ford Capri engine parts and components

Engine Parts - Ford Capri

Engine parts for engine rebuild jobs

Pistons, sump pans etc

Order online or call on 01322 839303 to discuss your needs

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6 Piston set for 3.0 Essex V6 engines
This is a full set of 6 pistons for the 3 litre Essex V6 engine. Original spec in original compression ratio. Come complete with piston rings and gudgeon pins.
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Essex piston set
4 Piston set for 2.0 Essex V4 engines
This is a full set of 4 pistons for the 2 litre Essex V4 engine. Original spec in original compression ratio. Come complete with piston rings and gudgeon pins.
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6 Piston set for 2.8 Cologne V6 engines
This is a full set of 6 pistons for the 2.8 litre Cologne V6 engine. Original spec in original compression ratio. Come complete with piston rings and gudgeon pins.
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Essex V6  piston ring set
6 Piston ring set for 3.0 Essex V6 engines

This is a full set of 6 piston ring kits for the 3 litre Essex V6 engine. 2 compression rings and a 3 piece oil control ring for each piston.

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EssexV4 piston ring set
4 Piston ring set for 2.0 Essex V4 engines

This is a full set of 4 piston ring kits for the 2.0 litre Essex V4 engine. 2 compression rings and a 3 piece oil control ring for each piston.

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6 Piston ring set for 2.8 Cologne V6 engines

This is a full set of 6 piston ring kits for the 2.8 litre Cologne V6 engine. 2 compression rings and a 3 piece oil control ring for each piston.

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Essex V6 main bearing set
Essex 3.0 litre and 2.5 litre V6 main bearing set
Complete set of main bearing shells for 2.5 and 3.0 litre Essex V6 engines - ACL
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Essex 3.0 litre and 2.5 litre V6 big end bearing set
Complete set of big end bearing shells for 2.5 and 3.0 litre Essex V6 engines - ACL
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Thrust bearing set for Essex V4 and V6
Thrust bearing set for use on the Ford Essex range of engines, 2.0 V4, 2.5 V6 3.0 V6 etc
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Cologne V6 main bearing set
Cologne 2.3 litre and 2.8 litre V6 main bearing set
Complete set of main bearing shells for 2.3 and 2.8 litre Cologne V6 engines - ACL
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Cologne 2.3 litre and 2.8 litre V6 big end bearing set
Complete set of big end bearing shells for 2.3 and 2.8 litre Cologne V6 engines - ACL
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Thrust bearing set for Cologne V6 engines

Thrust bearing set for the Ford Cologne family of engines, including 2.3 V6 and 2.8 V6.

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Brand new sump pan for Essex V6
Brand new sump pan for Essex V6 (2.5 and 3.0 litre). Very high quality reproduction of the factory original.